Apple has a record of using lawyers against bloggers. There was the now infamous Think Secret lawsuit, which may have had merit. But they also engage in clearly superfluous, bullying tactics as well. In August Apple bullies again because the YouTube video showing features from OSX 10.5. Apple could have simply requested YouTube to remove the video. And this wasn’t a trade secrets issue - they also had a very similar video up on their own website.
Now a days Apple uses similar tactics to fight against a number of bloggers who simply reported on the fact that someperson created a skin for Windows Mobile phones that looks exactly like the new iPhone user interface. See the images on top - the Windows Mobile version is on the left, Apple’s version is on the right.
Blogger Paul O’Brien - creator of iPhone themes also received a cease & desist letter from Apple’s lawyers.
This is all completely nonsense. If Apple wants to go after the guy that made the Windows Mobile skin that looks like the iPhone, fine. But to bully bloggers who are simply reporting on this is another matter.
More on this story at TechMeme. As far as I can tell, the software is no longer available anywhere for download. If that is incorrect, please let us know.
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