9 Juli 2007
Komplikasi Pencabutan Gigi (From Hartman)
Itu tuh bukan kontraindikasi, tapi suatu kondisi yang musti diperhatiin alias ga boleh maen asal cabut aja. Kalo pasiennya terkontrol, trus ada surat izin dari dokter spesialisnya bisa aja untuk dicabut.
Misal, hipertensi bisa aja buat dicabut, tapi ya pemeriksaan tensinya juga gak sekali, kan naek-turun tuh tekanan darahnya. Jadi ya 2-3 kali lah di tensinya, pake jeda waktu. Anestesi lokalnya juga bisa pake mepivacaine atao lidocain, pokoknya yang tanpa adrenalin.
Kenapa musti tanpa adrenalin? Adrenalin kan vasokonstriktor. Kalo vasokonstriktor kan ngebuat pembuluh darah mengecil. Sedangkan penderita hipertensi memiliki tekanan darah yang tinggi, berarti pembuluh darahnya dia juga mengalami tekanan yang hebat (di luar normal). Kalo si os hipertensi ini dikasih adrenalin, si pembuluh darahnya dibuat lebih mengecil lagi (otomatis memiliki tekanan yang lebih hebat lagi) akibatnya si os bakal mengalami syok.
Oh iya selain itu juga adrenalin kan menyebabkan jantung lebih banyak memompa darah (nambah deg-degan lah kasar-nya sih). Bayangin aja kalo os hipertensi dikasih adrenalin, pasti ngeleper.
Dan perlu di-inget juga, lidocaine waktu kerjanya lebih singkat skitar 15 menit sampe 30 menit. Kalo mau pake aja mepivacaine, ini waktu kerjanya lebih lama.
8 Juli 2007
Am I Ready for Marriage?
I am 73% Ready For Marriage
I am almost ready for marriage, and I could be ready to be engaged.
I still figuring out the details of my ideal relationship!
Source : http://www.blogthings.com/areyoureadyformarriagequiz
Kissing Purity Test
Your Kissing Purity Score: 83% Pure |
You've hardly ever been kissedBut the kisses you've given are very missed |
Am I Good With Money?
I know the value of a dollar - and I save and spend wisely.
By living below my means, I’ve set myself up for a rich future.
And while it may hurt to sacrifice now, I’ll probably have plenty of money later on.
I'm on my way to riches - just keep it up.
Source : http://www.blogthings.com/areyougoodwithmoneyquiz/
How Much Envy Do I Have?
My Envy Quotient : 75 %!!
I am quite the jealous person, even if I don't know it.And the true bummer is: I'm too envious to really appreciate what I have going on. Advice For Myself : Just remember, no one has the perfect life. Love the one I have! Source : http://www.blogthings.com/howmuchenvydoyouhavequiz/
My Hidden Tallent
My natural talent is interpersonal relations and dealing with people.
I communicate well and are able to bring disparate groups together.
My calming presence helps everything go more smoothly.
People crave my praise and complements.
Source: http://www.blogthings.com/whatsyourhiddentalentquiz/
What Planet Should I Rule?
I Should Rule Mercury
Close to sun, Mercury has very long days - and is rarely visible to the rest of the solar system.
I'm perfect to rule Mercury, because I live for the present - and can truly enjoy a day that goes on forever.
Like Mercury, I'm quick and elusive. My wit is outstanding, and I can win any verbal sparring match.
Some people see me as superficial, but in truth, I just play many roles and have many interests.
A great manipulator, I usually get what I want from people. And they're happy to give it to me.
Source: http://www.blogthings.com/whatplanetshouldyourulequiz/
Kenapa Harus Nulis
Semua tulisan mereka berkesan dan tidak membosankan (tidak seperti tulisan sy mungkin).
Saya senang belajar, dan sy akan selalu terus senang belajar. Karena itu lah alasan kenapa sy tetap disini, menulis-membaca-menulis-membaca-menulis lagi.. Dari satu blog ke blog yang lain, dari satu cerita ke cerita yang lain. Menambah dan mengasah, menjadi berguna dan menggunakan-nya..
Flashback - Situs Pertamaku
Setelah lama berpikir dan menimbang-nimbang akhirnya sy putuskan untuk beli domain & hosting sendiri. Temanya masih sama tentang trading, Yah mau gimana lagi, sy udah kelewat jatuh hati sama tema yg satu ini.
Bertanya sana-sini, diskusi sama henri teman sy yg sudah terlebih dulu menggeluti dunia 'bikin situs', tanya kanan kiri lagi, googling bentar, buka di kaskus akhirnya pilihan sy jatuh pada idwebhost. yoos! pake yg .org karena sedang promosi gratis. mumpung masih promosi huehehehe. mayan gratisan..
Enough Is Never Enough
Ortu mau ini ya sy ikut, ortu mau itu ya sy manut.
Ga ada yg namanya tujuan hidup pribadi atau berjalan menekuni bidang sesuai minatnya.
Minat sy apa itu juga sy masih bingung. Memang minat sy itu apa..
Kasihan betul..
Tiap hari hanya bisa menyalahkan dan meratapi kenapa sy masuk sini.
Berkali-kali sy bilang kalo ini bukan minat sy, sy ga punya bakat disini, sy ga suka!
Tapi sy merasa ngga bisa keluar, terperangkap disini. Atau mungkin lebih tepatnya terjebak.
Sy ngomong gini bukan tanpa alasan. Beribu alasan bisa sy sebutkan kenapa sy tetap mencoba bertahan disini. Salah satunya faktor orangtua..
Hobi Baru
Berkeliling dari satu blog ke blog lain, dari page satu ke page lain, dari forum satu ke forum lain. Menyenangkan memang, tapi sy bingung apakah ini produktif atau tidak, apakah ini useful atokah hanya sia-sia belaka.
Sy sangat interest dengan cerita dan pemikiran orang lain. Seperti membaca cerita di majalah atau komik, rasanya dengan membaca sy merasa tahu betul kehidupan si penulis. Rasanya sy bisa menyelami perasaan mereka. Meskipun itu hanya cerita singkat, sy ko rasanya betah sekali men-scroll tiap halaman-halaman itu.
Well, kalo sy sih interest banget dgn kegemaran baru sy ini, wah wah jangan sampai sy ketinggalan informasi di zaman kaya gini. Internet ada, koran banyak, tivi punya, masa masih ketinggalaan juga?
My First Online
Waktu pastinya sy lupa, tapi waktu itu sekitar kelas 1 SMU. Meskipun masuk di smu favorit di kota besar, tapi waktu itu sy sm sekali buta dunia online. Email ga punya, YM! ga punya, friendster apalagi (ya iyalah, friendster belum ada kali waktu itu). Sy masih ingat betul, sy masih cupu dan hijau. Mau nge-klik kursor mouse takutnya setengah mati. Sampe gemeteran (di-dramatis-ir banget yak, hehe). Waktu itu kalo ada yg nanya, "emailnya apa.." Sy cuma mesem-mesem sambil nanya dalam hati ngebongkar isi kepala sy, "imel tu apaan si.."
D*mn, bodohhnya akyuuu..
Kali ini (dengan terpaksa) sy harus berterimakasih pada temen kosan, sekaligus senior sy, namanya illyas kallaux alias ovan (Hehehe, piss van). Sy biasa manggil dia mas ovan. dia masuk ke smu pas dia kelas dua, pindahan dr ambon. Otaknya mayan encer juga. Hobinya maen WE sampe gila. Maen CM sih ga perlu ditanya. Dia lebih milih maen CM drpd makan nasi. (Lah, ini sebenernya mau nyertitain teman kosan sy ato cerita waktu pertama online sebenernya)
Keledai Bodoh
dengan senang hati. Tetapi Timur Lenk berkata,
"Ajari keledai itu membaca. Dalam dua minggu, datanglah kembali ke
mari, dan kita lihat hasilnya."
Nasrudin berlalu, dan dua minggu kemudian ia kembali ke istana. Tanpa
banyak bicara, Timur Lenk menunjuk ke sebuah buku besar. Nasrudin
menggiring keledainya ke buku itu, dan membuka sampulnya.
Hidup Ini Hanya Ujian
Jangan kau bangga pada saat menaklukannya
Dan jangan kau berduka pada saat luput dari tanganmu
Lepaskan beban yang tak sanggup kau memikulnya
Dan biarkan Allah yang menyelesaikan segalanya
Kemarin kau menangis karena masalah menghimpitmu
Namun kini kau mampu tertawa karena terbebas
Hari ini kau bangga menaklukan dunia
Bukan tidak mungkin esok kau berduka karena duniamu terlepas
Kisah Pohon Apel
Ia senang memanjatnya hingga ke pucuk pohon, memakan buahnya, tidur-tiduran di keteduhan rindang daun-daunnya.
Anak lelaki itu sangat mencintai pohon apel itu.
Demikian pula pohon apel sangat mencintai anak kecil itu.
Waktu terus berlalu.
Anak lelaki itu kini telah tumbuh besar dan tidak lagi bermain-main dengan pohon apel itu setiap harinya.
Suatu hari ia mendatangi pohon apel.
Wajahnya tampak sedih.
Orang - Orang Yang Didoakan Malaikat
Allah SWT berfirman, "Sebenarnya (malaikat – malaikat itu) adalah hamba – hamba yang dimuliakan, mereka tidak mendahului-Nya dengan perkataan dan mereka mengerjakan perintah – perintah-Nya. Allah mengetahui segala sesuatu yang dihadapan mereka dan yang dibelakang mereka, dan mereka tidak memberikan syafa'at melainkan kepada orang – orang yang diridhai Allah, dan mereka selalu berhati – hati karena takut kepada-Nya" (QS Al Anbiyaa' 26-28)
Inilah orang – orang yang didoakan oleh para malaikat :
Selling Online
I'm so so so interesting in selling online. So I decided to start my another new business with 'online' thing, maybe not at all, only a half of them. I combined such an offline thing with something online.
Saya sangat menyukai dunia online. Kita sepakati saja bahwa online ialah segala sesuatu yang menggunakan media internet.
Hmm, let's begin.
Awalnya sy kira selling online hanya melulu sebatas pada ngejual e-book:
1. sy bikin konten yg sama sekali tidak bermutu "ikuti langkah-langkah ini dan anda pasti sukses. impian, sikap, blablabla.."
2. sy buat iklan dramatis "kalo baca dan beli ini pasti kaya dan masuk surga"
3. sy pasang judul fantastis "cara cepat kaya dijamin, pasti sukses"
4. sy sebarin lewat milis (spamming sampai akhirnya dikeluarin milis yang satu dan sy masuk ke milis berikutnya, dst)
5. sy pasang iklan di iklan baris sampai satu halaman penuh.
Person On Top
Sebagian dari kita mungkin skrg hidup bukan sebagai POT (Person On Top - orang yg berada di atas)..
dimana tidak punya modal. tidak punya kekuasaan. tidak punya koneksi. tidak dikenal orang. tidak punya prestasi. atau bahkan personally, tidak punya pacar.
mungkin tidak akan menjadi masalah jika sy tidak mempermasalahkan-nya, hmm tapi kali ini sy akan mempermasalahkannya agar kelak menjadi solusi.
Karena terus terang sy bukanlah bagian POT tadi. dan ternyata, hidup tidak tampak mudah, perlu usaha extra bagi "kami" agar tidak punah.
inves-TAI (Without ’s’)
Sebenernya apa sih investasi itu?
Kata yang nampak keren dan gagah diucapin buat nambahin gengsi value kita di depan orang banyak. Kosa kata yang beginner bilang sebagai bahasa paling mulia di dunia karena merupakan bahasa kuadran kanan, bahasa anti melarat, uang yg berkeringat buat kita, dll, blablabla, blah..
Tapi,, Masa orang nabung di celengan ayam doang dibilang investasi?? Konyol..
Sekarang malah banyak seminar yang ngeganti penggunaan kata biaya/harga/ongkos seminar dengan kata INVESTASI. Di iklan itu dibilang:
”hadiri seminar mengupas bagaimana biar cepet kaya. dibahas macam2 cara memulai bisnis. Investasi=Rp 300.000 per orang”
Ya lumayan sih se-ngga-nya cara bagus berpromosi, karena seminar itu emang ditujuin buat beginner yang seneng dibuai mimpi, pergi bulan madu ke matahari, diiming-imingi kekayaan segunung, dan jaminan ga bakal miskin tujuh turunan.
Sebenernya apa sih investasi??
Beginner Hypocrite
Mereka akan merendah agar diterima.
berpura-pura tersenyum penuh kepalsuan bagai kawan lama yg baru bertemu.
berpura-pura mendengarkan seluruh keluhan.
berpura-pura antusias atas cerita.
ikut tertawa disaat kita tertawa, ikut bersemangat disaat kita bersemangat.
lagi-lagi tersenyum.
disinilah awal muasal seorang pembohong di-didik dan dibesarkan..
sehina itu kah seorang sales?
sejelek itukah agen MLM?
Name Your Business
Di luaran sana - di Amerika tepatnya - memilih nama merupakan ritual penting dalam bisnis. Bahkan anda akan diminta ribuan dollar (lebih tepatnya $35.000) untuk nama yg anda inginkan oleh para pembuat nama disana. Dan hasilnya pun memang sungguh memuaskan.
Yang menjadi masalah ialah bagaimana jika kita tidak mempunyai dollar-dollar td..
Tapi tenang saja, berikut sy rangkumkan resep-resep praktis para pembuat nama yg sudah berhasil mematenkan nama-nama beken dan berhasil di industrinya semisal accura, italiatour, dll.
Ada semacam panduan yang harus diikuti dan yg harus dihindari dalam menentukan nama yang cocok. Kali ini sy akan mulai dengan hal-hal yg harus dihindari atau sebaiknya dihindari. Simak baik-baik dan mulailah berpikir nama apa yg cocok untuk bisnis anda.
3 Juli 2007
Everybody have a choice
Sy sama sekali gak nyangka, gak nyangka sama sekali bisa kuliah di tempat ini.
Sy masuk SD paling bonafid di cirbon, masuk SMP ter-favorit di cirbon, lalu masuk SMU paling beken di bandung. Semuanya begitu manis, sy menjadi bagian dari komunitas anak-anak pintar di dunia atau paling tidak di kota tempat sy tinggal. Sampai akhirnya selepas SMU sy masuk ke titik balik dlm kehidupan akademis sy, menjadi bagian dari komunitas tidak-popular-prestasi-akademisnya. Tahun 2002 sy ikut tes SPMB, lulus, kuliah, masuk ke bidang kehidupan yang sebelumnya ga pernah hadir dalam impian sy. Terdampar di tempat ini...
Crowns And Extra Coronal Restorations - Endodontic Considerations - The Pulp, The Root Treated Tooth, And The Crown
J. M. Whitworth,1 A. W. G. Walls2 and R. W. Wassell3
1Senior Lecturer, Department of Restorative Dentistry, The Dental School, Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4BW; 2Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry, The Dental School, Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4BW; 3Senior Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry, Department of Restorative Dentistry, The Dental School, Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4BW
27 Juni 2007
Pimp Your Teeth!
Binatang piaraan sy aja giginya bagus gini, masa mau kalah sama binatang.
Kenalin, namanya tomson, abis di-pakein porselen bo..
Make Own Internet Network
Hardware Requirement:
1. 1 unit of computer (for server and proxy) 2. Client computer
3. UTP Cable 1 Roll
4. Crimping tool
5. Connector RJ45 1 Box
6. NIC for every computer
7. Hub/switch, router
Other requirements:
1. OS : Vista, XP, or linux but i recommend Windows 2000 Server for server OS.2. Softwares for server and client
3. ISP (Internet Service Provider)
The All American Rejects - It Ends Tonight
Title : It Ends Tonight
This is one of my favourite song. not too slow, not too fast, make me so enthusiasm. this song's very ear-catching.
I knew this song from my beloved Serial TV, Smallville.
Lets sing together with me :)
Your subtleties
They strangle me
I can’t explain myself at all.
And all the wants
And all the needs
All I don't want to need at all.
26 Juni 2007
First iPhone Arrives..
The first retail-bound volume shipments of Apple Inc.'s hotly anticipated iPhone device arrived successfully in the United States this past weekend, touching down quietly at a handful of drop locations just six days before the device is due to go on sale at nearly 2000 Apple and AT&T retail locations.
People familiar with the matter say the intrinsically valuable freight was carried inbound by a certain Hong Kong-based air courier, which services Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco. The early arrival is to assure the cargo can clear customs with enough time to handle unexpected delays, those people said.
iPhone is here
8GB storage = $599
Launch: 29 Juni 2007
Check quotes below about this product.. :)
"This is the most anticipated phone since Alexander Graham Bell did." (Michael Gartenberg, an industry analyst at JupiterResearch).
"A few handset makers have been trying to make the phone simpler without having to refer to a manual that's 18 times the size of the phone. But Apple is going for the moon here." (Richard Doherty, president of The Envisioneering Group, a research company)
"It looks cool and Apple has historically made great products, but the iPhone sounds too robust for its capacity -- they're packing too much into a phone," Buzzard said while shopping at the CompUSA store in San Francisco. "I don't want to be the early adopter on an untested product." (Scott Buzzard, San Francisco network administrator)
Hilton Released From Jail
Paris Hilton released from jail early Thursday, days after she began serving what was to have been a 45-day sentence for violating probation, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said.
Hilton have to wear a monitoring bracelet and stay at her home for next 40 days, said sheriff's department spokesman-Steve Whitmore.
Medical considerations "played a part" in the final result to offer Hilton home confinement for the remainder of her sentence, Whitmore said.
23 Juni 2007
How To Hack Friendster - Use It Wisely
Hehehehe, ternyata lebih aman pake firefox...
How To Hack Friendster?
I quoted it from CCPB forum at Kaskus Network.
Yang perlu di sediakan:
1. Punya account FS (Wajib)
2. Punya website yg support PHP
3. Pake Firefox !! (Yay..!! FF Rules..!!)
4. Extension Add n Edit Cookies, Download Buat FF 0.9 - 1.6 , Buat FF 2.0
5. Indomie goreng, Kopi and cemilan. Biar ga BT or Laper
17 Juni 2007
The Effect Of Isotonic Drinks To Dental Caries Progression On White Rat Sprague dawley’s Pit And Fissure Molar – Celica Riska Adzaningsih – F1O03122
(Celica Riska | Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi | Universitas Padjadjaran)
!! Email Celica Riska at celicantik@yahoo.com For The Complete Text !!
Dental caries is a destructive process of dental hard tissue because of acid resulted from carbohydrate fermentation by microorganisms. The main carbohydrate that causing caries is sucrose, which is the largest concentration of carbohydrate in isotonic drinks.
The aim of this research is to obtain the effect of isotonic drinks to dental caries progression on Sprague dawley’s pit dan fissure molar.
The research is true experimental. Research was conducted in two months. Rats was divided into two groups pursuant to treatment. Group A was given isotonic drinks and group B was given aquadest as the control. The result of the research is anylized by U Mann-Whitney method.
Research shows that rats which had been given isotonic drinks have 21 superficial caries, 30 media caries and 26 profunda caries inflicted molars, whereas rats which had been given aquadest have 25 superficial caries, 27 media caries and 16 profunda caries inflicted molars.
The conclusion of this research is there is an effect of isotonic drinks to dental caries progression on white rat Sprague dawley’s pit and fissure molar. Isotonic drinks is capable of causing more media caries and profunda caries compare to aquadest.
Key words : Isotonic drinks, Dental caries
The Comparison of Onset of Action and Duration of Action for Lidocaine HCl 2% Adrenaline 1:100.000 and Articaine HCl 3% Adrenalin 1:100.000 as Local Anesthetics – Edhi Dhiyauddin – F1O02103
(Edhi Dhiyauddin | Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi | Universitas Padjadjaran)
!!! Contact Edhi Dhiyauddin If You Want The Complete Text !!!
The objective aim of this double blind descriptive-experimental quasi study was to compare the onset of action and the duration of action for Lidocaine HCl 2% adrenaline 1:100.000 and Articaine HCl 4% adrenaline 1:100.000.
As the sample used 30 persons, 15 persons of them were injected with Lidocaine HCl 2% adrenaline 1:100.000 and the other 15 persons were injected with Articaine HCl 4% adrenaline 1:100.000. The onset of action and the duration of action were measured with the sensation of pharestesia on the tongue (Lingual nerve) and on the low lip (Alveolaris inferior nerve) after block injection on the right of mandibula.
The results of this study showed that the average of onset of action Lidocaine HCl 2% adrenaline 1:100.000 on the Lingual nerve was 1 minute 55 seconds, meanwhile for Articaine HCl 4% adrenaline 1:100.000 was 1 minute 14 seconds. The duration of action Lidocaine HCl 2% adrenaline 1:100.000 on the Lingual nerve was 227,87 minutes and for Articaine HCl 4% adrenaline 1:100.000 was 300,2 minutes. The average of the onset of action Lidocaine HCl 2% adrenaline 1:100.000 on the Alveolaris inferior nerve was 1 minute 59 seconds and for Articaine HCl 4% adrenaline 1:100.000 was 1 minute 36 seconds. The average of the duration of action Lidocaine HCl 2% adrenaline 1:100.000 on the Aveolaris inferior nerve was 239,93 minutes, meanwhile for Articaine HCl 4% adrenaline 1:100.000 was 317,93 minues. The normal distribution data was tested with t-student test and for the non-normal distribution data was tested with Mann-Whitney U-test. Both tests showed significant difference for the duration of action and showed non significant difference for the onset of action for Lidocaine HCl 2% adrenaline 1:100.000 and Articaine HCl 4% adrenaline 1:100.000.
The conclusion of this study that onset of action and duration of action Articaine 4% adrenaline 1:100.000 was faster and longer compared to Lidocaine HCl 2% adrenaline 1:100.000
Keywords : lidocaine HCl 2% adrenaline 1:100.000, articaine HCl 4% adrenaline 1:100.000, onset of action, duration of action
My Final Paper : Description Of Patient’s Loyalty Level In Oral And Dental Clinic Of Al Islam Hospital In Bandung 2007
(Adhy Ganjar | Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi | Universitas Padjadjaran)
!!! Contact Me Via YM @ The Sidebar If You Want The Complete Text !!!
Description Of Patient’s Loyalty Level In Oral And Dental Clinic Of Al Islam Hospital In Bandung 2007
The competition that raised greatly among the institutions providing health products and services nowadays provided choices for patients to fulfill their needs and wants in health services. Loyalty as an important factor of succesful health service provider would provide benefits directly or indirectly.
The purpose of this study was to find out description about patients’ loyalty level in Oral and Dental Clinic of Al Islam Hospital Bandung.
This was a descriptive study with survey method. The population of this study was patients in Oral and Dental Clinic of Al Islam Hospital Bandung. The sample of this study was patients who had minimally been treated once in Oral and Dental Clinic of Al Islam Hospital Bandung during the study period and willing to fill in the questionnaire. Total amount of the samples were 300 people.
The result showed that the number of patients with high repetition was 72,33 % (217), while patients with low repetition was 27,67 % (83). The level of patients’ preference was on the very strong level for 90,67 % (272) and the level of patients’ differentiation was on a good level for 90,45 % (199).
This study showed that patients in Oral and Dental Clinic of Al Islam Hospital Bandung owned a high loyalty level, that resulted from a high repetition, very strong preference, and well imaged differentiation.
Keywords : loyalty, repetition, preference, differentiation
Abstract | A National Customer Satisfaction Barometer: The Swedish Experience | Journal Of Marketing Vol. 56, pg:6-21
Author: Fornell
Year: 1992
Title: A National Customer Satisfaction Barometer: The Swedish Experience
Journal of Marketing Vol 56, page:6-21.
ABSTRACT (Document Summary)
Sweden has become the first country to establish a national economic indicator reflecting customer satisfaction. The Customer Satisfaction Barometer (CSB) is an index based on annual survey data from customers of more than 100 leading companies in over 30 industries. The CSB measures quality of output (as experienced by the buyer). The CSB was examined in its first 3 years of application. Overall, CSB scores were significantly higher in industries where heterogeneity-homogeneity in demand is matched by supply. Staple foods and automobiles scored at the top of the CSB. Services scored lower than products, both among monopolies and among competing firms. Changes from 1989 to 1990 were mainly negative, with more industries showing a decline than an improvement in CSB. That pattern was reversed for 1991, suggesting that the prospects for more repeat business, with a resulting improved economic performance, are somewhat better for Swedish companies now than they were a year ago.
!!! Contact Me Via YM @ The Sidebar If You Want The Full Text Of Journal !!!
13 Juni 2007
Forgot Password Administrator On Windows Xp? Try This!!
Just use 'John The Ripper' program, click here for download. Follow the instruction at that site.
You also can use EBCD program (Emergency Boot CD). Click here to download the program.
1.Restart your computer
2.When booting, press F8 and select "Safe Mode"
3.After getting to the user menu. Click on a user and this time it will not ask you for a password
4.Go to Start>Run and type "CMD" (without the quotes).
5.At command prompt type in "cd C:WindowsSystem32? (without the
quotes), I am assuming C is your System/Windows Drive
6.For safety purposes first make a backup of your Logon.Scr file..
You can do this by typing in "Copy to Logon.scr to Logon.bak"
(without the quotes)
7.Then type "copy CMD.EXE Logon.scr"(without the quotes)
8.Then type this command, I will assume that you want to set Administrator's password to "MyNewPass" (without the quotes)
9.Now, type this in (I am assuming that you are still in the
directory C:WindowsSystem32) , "net user administrator MyNewPass"
without the quotes
10. You will get a message saying that it was successful, this means
Administrator's new password is "MyNewPass" (without the quotes)
11. Restart the PC and you will login as Administrator (or whatever
you chose to reset) with your chosen password.
What Blogger Said About Apple’s Letter
Apple legal throw their weight around...
Sat, 13/01/2007 - 08:58
Paul - Can you believe it... yesterday, in this topic, I posted a link to a post on XDA-Developers, where an enterprising member had created a Pocket PC today screen to mimic the Apple iPhone.
It's worth pointing out I just posted a link and a screenshot... NOT the actual files required to DO the installation.
Well, this morning in my mailbox I find a letter from Apple's legal team (O’Melveny & Myers LLP, San Francisco) entitled 'Unauthorized Dissemination of Apple Computer Copyrighted Material by MoDaCo' demanding I remove the said link and the screenshot. Crazy or what? Unfortunately the mail was marked 'NOT FOR POSTING', exactly how bound I am by that i'm not sure.
A bit excessive IMHO... and although I can accept that they can get upset over the screenshot, can they really demand I remove the link too? :-S
A Letter From Apple's Legal Team
Paul O'Brien
Founder, Administrative and Technical Contact for MoDaCo
Re: Unauthorized Dissemination of Apple Computer Copyrighted Material by MoDaCo
Dear Mr. O'Brien:
We represent Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") and are authorized to act on Apple's behalf to investigate and take legal action with respect to the unauthorized dissemination of Apple's copyrighted material. It has come to our attention that you have posted a screenshot of Apple's new iPhone and links that facilitate the installation of that screenshot on a PocketPC device. The post in question is located at http://www.modaco.com/index.php?showtopic=251112. While we appreciate your interest in the iPhone, the icons and screenshot displayed on your website are copyrighted by Apple, and copyright law explicitly prohibits unauthorized display and distribution of copyrighted works.
Apple therefore demands that you remove this screenshot from your website and refrain from facilitating the further dissemination of Apple's copyrighted material by removing the link to http://forum.xda-developers.com, where said icons and screenshot are being distributed.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation,
O’Melveny & Myers LLP
DMCA Certification: I hereby state, under penalty of perjury, that I have a good faith belief that the activities described above are not authorized by Apple, that the information in this notification is accurate, and that I am authorized to act on behalf of Apple in this regard.
For Many Times Apple Bullies Bloggers
Apple has a record of using lawyers against bloggers. There was the now infamous Think Secret lawsuit, which may have had merit. But they also engage in clearly superfluous, bullying tactics as well. In August Apple bullies again because the YouTube video showing features from OSX 10.5. Apple could have simply requested YouTube to remove the video. And this wasn’t a trade secrets issue - they also had a very similar video up on their own website.
Now a days Apple uses similar tactics to fight against a number of bloggers who simply reported on the fact that someperson created a skin for Windows Mobile phones that looks exactly like the new iPhone user interface. See the images on top - the Windows Mobile version is on the left, Apple’s version is on the right.
Blogger Paul O’Brien - creator of iPhone themes also received a cease & desist letter from Apple’s lawyers.
This is all completely nonsense. If Apple wants to go after the guy that made the Windows Mobile skin that looks like the iPhone, fine. But to bully bloggers who are simply reporting on this is another matter.
More on this story at TechMeme. As far as I can tell, the software is no longer available anywhere for download. If that is incorrect, please let us know.
11 Juni 2007
Clooney Insult Paris
‘Ocean’s 13′ star George Clooney has demeaning at troubled hotel heiress Paris Hilton. Clooney accusing her of using “cheap tricks” to maintain her popularity.
Clooney believes the ‘Hilton’s Bitch’ is a hypocrite for manipulating the press eyes to create her current ’star’ status, only for her to turn around and bemoan the media frenzy her recent legal troubles in relation to a 2006 drink-drive arrest have caused.
“You can only get so far without discernable talent - then you either work, or use cheap publicity tricks to keep the public’s attention,” he said.
“Paris has no reason to complain if she is on the end of bad publicity.”
Fenomena Kucing Garong
Lagu ‘Kucing Garong’ sempet ngewabah dan mungkin sampe saat ini adalah satu-satunya lagu dangdut yang mampu nyaingin lagu ‘Bang SMS’.
Di pasar, di terminal, di rumah sakit, pokonya dimana ada jual cd bajakan, ga jauh2 disitu ada aja yg nyetel lagu ni. Tema yang diangkat ttg kelakuan laki-laki idung belang yg doyan godain cewek.
Kelakuan si kucing garong
Ora kena ndeleng sing mlesnong
Main sikat main embat
Apa sing liwat
Kelakuan si kucing garong
Selalu ngulati sasaran
Asal ndeleng pepesan
Wajah bringasan
Iku contoe wang lanang
Sing sifate kaya kucing garong
Awas kudu ngati-ati
Yen kucing garong lagi beraksi
Sing dadi modal andalan
Kucingedenge duit atusan
Yen bli kuat nahan iman
Bisa-bisa jadi berantakan
Kembali ke **
Kembali ke awal
Kembali ke **
‘Empat Mata’ Meredup
Dulu pas awal-awal, kalo nonton Empat Mata pasti aja ada yg lucunya. Ko skrg jd gak lucu lagi.
Menurut pengamatan sy selaku penikmat tv, ada beberapa faktor mengapa hal td bs terjadi:
- Omongan si tukul-nya gitu-gitu mulu alias gak berkembang. Udah bs ketebak mau ngomong apa. Paling gak jauh dr ndeso, katro, tak sobek-sobek, omongan seputar casing, kejelekan, menghina diri sendiri. dan byk lg topik omongan yg diulang-ulang lainnya.
- Penampilannya gak segenit pas awal. Waah, justru kalo sy bilang ini yg jd faktor lucunya. hehehe, barangkali takut didemo anak SD lagi.
- Skrg si tukul udah mulai pinter. Pas masih bodo, keluguannya nampak natural.
- Kehadiran vega ama pepi ngebuat susasana makin garing kering kerontang. Sebenernya penonton di studio ketawa tu karena ngehargain ato bs jg karena disuruh ama tim empatmata disana.
- Kehadiran mas tukul sendiri di tv yg hampir tiap hari, gmana gak cepet bosen coba. Tukul lagi tukul lagi, ditambah dengan banyaknya iklan dgn bintang utama mas tukul, lagi-lagi dgn omongan yg sama dan gaya yg sama. Bad strategy!
- Kebanyakan (baca: lebih dr 50%) bintang tamu empatmata cuma duduk diem, ngemil. Giliran dikasi pertanyaan planga-plongo, ngasih jawaban singkat satu kata (contoh: tanya: udah punya pacar? jawab: belum), gak berbobot, malah ada yg nolak jawab. Ini gak tau pertanyaannya yg gak mutu ato artisnya yg bego.
- Ganti dan cari kata-kata lain yg bisa di-eksplore slain ‘masuk tipi’, ‘ndeso’, dll biar suasana jadi fresh.
- Intensitas kehadiran tukul dikurangin biar gak cepet bosen.
- Setiap acara empatmata, pastikan selalu ngundang minimalnya satu bintang tamu dr kalangan pelawak, biar mas tukul ngelawak bisa di-pingpong sama sesama pelawaknya.
- Tim kreatif musti kerja ekstra lagi. Cari tim kreatif pelawak buat dmasukin ke tim kreatif empatmata.
Segitu dulu deh, tar kalo ada tambahan ditambahin lagi.
Sukses terus buat mas tukul!!